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Article 001: -

Article 001 - "The story of how I, thru time, became a Commodore 64 and C=64c user and creator.


Lets begin with how I had learned about the Commodore64: I had learned of the Commodore 64 in the year 2017 via a friend who had connected to a bulletin board system I connected to back then. We discussed how he connected to the bbs and what machine he was on, and he said that: "I am using a Commodore 64 to connect" So automatically I looked up Commodore 64 on Wikipedia, and to my suprise I learned that it is an 8bit system with a capability of showing 16 colors on the screen. So I took the time to install vice64 emulator, and from there I was hooked. Then about three years later in the year 2020 I purchased TheC64Maxi, on it I learned BASIC Programming and even started to work on a Graphic Text Adventure using Koala Hires Gfx. About a year later I purchased a C=64c Model from a friend I met via Discord Chat, for around 200.00$. After I recieved it in the mail, it had to sit for lil, until I bought a new Kellog Oled Display PSU (Power-Supply-Unit), aswell as a Kung Fu Flash SD Card Cartridge and a Commodore Kazz C64 Wifi Modem (Esp232). I fell in love with my setup at first site!.. Til this day I still use it, for games, sidchip music, and gfx as well as a little petscii bbsing. --> A little while after that I had just collected enough money from working a gig, and in the year 2022 I bought a Custom Commodore64 By Darth Skalmar's Retro Garage, it came with a splattered green paint case, a green badges, and green keys, as well as a 25in1 Game Cartridge by C64Lover. Well some of you might ask, how did he come across the Amiga 500 as shown on the mainpage of my neocities site. --> For so long since the year 2019, when I had discoved Amiga Forever by Cloanto Software. I had desired an Amiga 500 or 1200, so I had asked my friend Marvin, if he wanted to trade his Amiga 500 (Came with Gotek USB Drive & Kickstart 2.4 aswell as the old beige brick power supply unit, a mouse, and books on workbench, amigados, and the a520 modulator.) I recieved it in exchange for my Custom C64. After I recieved it I purchased a: PlipBox_Deluxe, and that is how I have come across Commodore Machines. --> End of Article 001 - Written By: Cybernide.


Article 002

Written By Cybernide.


Article 002 - Written By: Cybernide - About: "How to use the Commodore 64 to make a Better World For All" : If you think about it, every thing in life is a tool. Life itself is a tool, that we should use to employ ourselves in the area of expertise in which we all fell called too. So in that same respect shouldnt the Commodore 64 and Amiga 500 be labeled a tool for either media creation, or for recreational graphic viewing. Or perhaps your like me and thnk of all Machines as a tool to improve the world with, so my question to you is: "What are some ways, we as Commodore64 creators and fans alike, could make to improve the world around us? Or Better yet, why isnt the Commodore 64 being used to improve ourselves and those in whom we share a common hobby or cause? So my first thought is why not make a compatible TI99 Speech Synethesis Cartridge for the c64, that is engineered and programmed to help the blind see whats on their Commodore 64 by: Listening to what the TI99 Speech Synthesis Module or Cartridge is saying via Commodore Expansion Port; and say we at so and so, makes one for the blind that would work well via Expansion Port Expander Board, so it would run simultaneously in the background of your Commodore 64's Kung Fu Flash Cartridge or 1541 Disk Drive. Some might ask well who would make such a thing like that? The Answer is: Someone with Vision for the future of Commodore 64, and someone who has a heart for the people. Well what do you think? You can leave me a comment either via neocities or you can reach me on Mutiny Community BBS via telnet://mutinybbs.com:2300 --> This is the end of Article 002 - Written By Cybernide.


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This Blog Is Ran By Cybernide!

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